Knit, read, repeat

Posy Gets Cozy ornament ornaments softie a wild coast
Posy Gets Cozy ornament ornaments

Well, we are 11 days into January and I’m still finishing Christmas things (are the Christmas projects ever done before Christmas?).  This year I made two tiny versions of the Softies from Posie Gets Cozy to be ornaments and I love how they came out.  K loves them as well, but to be honest her favorite ornaments are still the birds.
For the pattern, I just photocopied the regular pattern at 58%, but you could do any size.  The only limitation would be the thickness of the felt not translating well to a super tiny one, but still there are so many possibilities.
The baby Juniper kitty has a little pink velvet dress to match K’s Christmas dress – calling her June berry.  She has little embroidered paws to match the felt paws I added to Juniper kitty from her birthday.  I knit a tiny Clara dress for each doe, calling them both Snowdrop doe for Christmas connotations, and just finally finished last night.

Posy Gets Cozy ornament ornaments softie dandelion doe juniper kitty a wild coast
Posy Gets Cozy ornament ornaments softie juniper kitty

I started working on these last spring, mostly on late nights where I stay up after K goes to bed to decompress and to make.  I should be sleeping, but often, no matter how tired I am, I need time to make things first, and so slowly the nights and the stitches add up, and things get finished.
So that’s the knitting.  I’ve really only been reading children’s books this year, and this one is so sweet.  The little bear wonders where all the colors have gone in the snow, and each animal brings objects for the snow tree that symbolize something to remember or to be thankful for in each season.


  1. These are adorable! How clever of you to take the original pattern and cut it down for the ornaments. Your little girl is adorable. I didn't finish the gifts I was making for Christmas this year ... that's ok ...they will be ready for next year as long as I don't forget where I put them! Happy New Year!


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