8 Month Update

At 8 months, K is impressively mobile and engaged. She crawls very fast now, pulls up on furniture, walks along things she can hold (couch, small tables, etc), and can reach from one thing to another to keep going (move from one couch t another at a 90 degree angle at her grandparent's). She impresses me also with the precision of her movements – she cautiously transitioning from standing holding furniture to sitting: turn and look, one hand reaches, slowly bend knees, reach for ground, let go, land on hand and bottom, turn, crawl. In her first encounter with ungated indoor stairs, she exuberantly climbed all the way to the top (with me crawling over her of course). She loves the stairs in the house and will be sad to see the baby gate go up.

I think she may be a young walker too – a few days ago she stood up on her own, unassisted, in the middle of the floor: first with her hands on the ground, but then all the way standing with her hands out. It was only for a moment before she dropped down again, but at 8m old I was surprised!

She is just starting to enjoy food and do more than taste, smear and throw. It’s fun seeing her try new things. There are no set dislikes (but I’ve read that babies don’t form a set opinion until many tries regardless) but her current favorites are raspberries, baby oatmeal with butter, rice cereal with raspberries and blueberries mashed into it (we call it baby cobbler – it’s delicious), tuna, turkey, sausage (little pieces), peas, carrots and puffs. She still isn’t crazy about sweet potato or bananas, and if she’d prefer milk she isn’t having anything else.

We still co-sleep – she is very snuggly at night. We are also still up every 2-3 hours on a good night, and countless times on a bad one. The lack of sleep is starting to get to me, and is especially difficult with working full time and a long commute added into the picture, but somewhere between coffee and coping we get through it. Friends have told me their littles started sleeping better around the 8-9m window and we’re hoping we may have that too. I try to remind myself of the upside to waking all night, which is knowing that K’s light sleep schedule reduces the risk of SIDs.

She still loves reading and books – has been turning the pages herself for months now but does it with such enthusiasm now.

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