Little Gifts - Part II

Most of the girl and boy ideas are interchangeable, but I still couldn't resist doing a boyish stocking too.

Rubber Teether - CaaOcho Baby   /   Fox Bib - Milk Barn   /   Natural Rubber Pacifier - Natursutten
Giraffe Soothie - Wubanub   /   Pom-Pom Hat - H&M   /  Sleepy - Wakey Deer - Maileg
Rainbow Clutching Toy - Oompa   /   First Christmas 2015 Ornament - Land of Nod
Sock Set - H&M   /   Oball - Amazon   /   Softie Book - Ikea

Three Month (and a week) Update


Clothes: BabyGap 3-6m, Bowden 3-6m, H&M 4-6m, Carters 3m (a little short in the arms though)

Diapers: Target Up&Up size 1

Likes: Standing, talking to us, being read to, her stuffed animals (especially her foxes, schnauzer and otter), sucking on her hand, going out to loud crowded places (restaurants, people’s houses with a large group, stores – but not grocery stores).

Dislikes: Being set down, being held in a sitting or lying position unless she is falling asleep or has something very interesting to watch, teething.

On the fence: Hiccups, tummy time and the car are all getting better, but still are not her favorite things.  Tummy time has gotten much easier now that she can prop herself up on her elbows and look around.  I think her tolerance of the car and hiccups has improved as her reflux has gotten better. There is still crying involved, but not as much.

What’s new: I’ve read that the normal range for starting teething is between 3-7 months, with most babies starting around 6 months. This little over-achiever started at three months and one day and she is not happy about it. It seems to vary moment to moment – she will go from happy to suddenly crying and needing to chew at the same time. She has a new cry that goes along with the teething too. I call it the “why is this happening to me” cry; a mix of sad, angry, pain and frustration, but not to the meltdown level. She doesn’t care for most of her tethers right now and prefers my finger  - she can bite hard!

Little Gifts

We won't be breaking out the Christmas decorations or music until after Thanksgiving, but with less than 6 weeks left until Christmas I am getting excited for our first with our baby girl!  These are some of my favorite things for baby's first stocking.


Knot Headband - June and January   /   Bashful Schnauzer - Jellycat   /   Radish Rattle - Maileg
Socks - H&M   /   Kitty Rattles - Ikea   /   Raccoon Finger Puppet - Magic Cabin 
First Christmas 2015 Ornament - Land of Nod   /   Soothies - Amazon   /   Grasping Toy - Oompa
Lela Deer - Lassig   /   Tights - H&M

This Moment

Saturday - 11/7 - 2:54pm - A nap in her wrap, exhausted from teething

Month Three

My favorites for this month are mostly more practical than fun. We had such a terrible time with reflux and hours of crying from 6-10 weeks that any little thing we introduced that seemed to help has been the very greatest.

1. Infant Probiotics - These were prescribed by her pediatrician for reflux/gas/fussiness and I really do think they made a difference after about a week. We give her 1/4 teaspoon a day per the pediatrician.

2. DGL - Also recommended by the pediatrician - this is like giving baby gripe water, but through mama's milk. I take 4-6 a day. They are chews made from ground licorice root, and while not candy, if you like licorice they are delicious.

3. Weleda Baby Wash - This smells so good: lavender and calendula.

4. Ocean Play Mat - I love having a play mat with a nature theme, and this is one of my favorite backdrops for pictures too.

5. Nosefreida - Reflux caused near constant stuffiness for a whole month and this really helped clear her airways.

6. Lansinoh Lanolin - This stuff is so useful - perfect for its marketed use, also great for chapped lips and diaper rash. We have multiple tubes for different uses.

7. H&M Baby Tights - Tights are so cute and practical for babies. Socks fall off incessantly, and now that it's colder these layer perfectly under pants for an extra layer. They are also adorable under any onesie for a look only a baby can pull off.


K was a little black (manx) cat for Halloween - I made her a tail too, but ended up leaving it off. We decided to surprise my parents by sneaking up on them pretending to be trick-or-treaters. Turns out my dad's coworker who has a baby one week younger than K and his wife did exactly the same thing - so we had a surprise baby Halloween party with a three month old Yoda and this little kitten.  

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