Working on

Bunny  -  Elephant  -  Necklace  -  Diamond  -  Camera  -  Ring  -  Dolls
Teething has been in full swing around here for almost three months now, but no teeth are showing yet. These are  few of our favorite teethers, and some cute ones that are on the wish list. 

Winter Light

This weekend saw: a playdate with friends and children. family time, cleaning, organizing, six bags to good will, an enjoyable trip to Target's dollar section ( I love that Target has a dollar section), two boxes of diapers acquired, one bottle of Crème de Cassis acquired (delicious in white wine and sparkling water), and one long nap for baby in which I got many things done (and checked to make sure she was still alive three times). Mom life.

Anywhere I go

One of my favorite moments this week was when this song came on while this was my view. There you are. 


The last sunset of 2015 - what a beautiful year it was.
I don’t really do New Year’s resolutions, but I have some hopes and good intentions for 2016. I thought maybe writing them down would help them to come true (except number 1 which I have very little control over).
1 – More sleep, I so hope we start getting more sleep. Right now, 5-6 hours is a good night and 3 hours is a bad (but not terribly uncommon) night. I never realized before how little sleep I could (almost) function on, but there has to be a limit to how far this goes. I’m hoping starting solids at 6m will help.
2 – Camping – Absolutely essential that we go at least once this year.
3 – Baby book progress – I have an idea of what I want to do, and am so excited to work on it. When I have time. Which is never? We’ll figure it out.
4 – More home movies – I have lots of short snippets, but I know what I will want in 5 years is long stretches of nothing in particular, just life. I keep meaning to do more of these, and then we cope, and then suddenly it has been three weeks.
5 – Minimalism – We are busting at the seams of our 600 square foot apartment and looking for a house, but it’s a tough market. I’m working to reduce what we have and keep only what we love most to make this space more comfortable.

Winter Things

I've been eyeing the Winter Ergo for awhile and it just got marked down on Amazon. The times we've gone up to the mountains or on cold day walks the traditional Ergo and Solly haven't felt warm enough even with lots of layers, so I decided to try it. Ergos go for about this price on craigslist where we live, so I figured if it doesn't work out we can pass it on to someone else.

I love this knit pattern quilt at West Elm (on sale!) - I ordered the white one but I wish I could get every color. As a long time knitter and novice quilter, this is basically the best.

This robe was a Christmas gift from my mom and it is so luxurious and wonderful. She found it marked down to half price at Costco.

We love this sheepy for playtime and supervised naps - the Bowron version is from New Zealand and specifically meant for babies with no preservatives or flame retardants. We have this blanket in brown from a family friend of my husband's and love it. These little booties look so cozy. Since they would work for a boy or girl, I might just justify them as lasting through multiple children.

This candle is what makes Anthropologie stores smell so good. I can't justify getting one at almost $30, but it is on my covet list.

Four & Five Month Favorites

Most of our four and five month favorites are teething related (no surprise here), but we also picked up this bouncy seat which she really enjoys. We got the red one, but I love the black and grey too.
At five months, K has learned how to move herself around by rolling over repeatedly in the same direction and is now a semi-mobile baby, which I am not entirely prepared for.  We discovered this about a week before Christmas when I set her down on her play mat with some soft toys, made sure she had room on all sides just in case, and tuned my back to do the dishes (our apartment is tiny, so this involved moving about 6 feet away to the kitchen). I listened to her happily playing for about 15 minutes of washing up, then came back and she was cooing happily, three feet away from her mat. I don’t leave her alone anymore but have tested her rolling abilities by putting a toy out of her reach on either side, and given a few minutes she will roll over several times until she can reach it.
She is just starting to experiment with cause and effect too – yesterday was the first time I felt like she was throwing a toy on purpose to watch it fall. She had her rattle, the dropped it and watched it hit the ground. I picked it up and handed it back to her, and she did it again – about 20 times.
I got her this baby radio toy, which she loves. I usually don't go for musical toys, but this one is not obnoxious like many and seemed like the right level of stimulation without overdoing it. Sometimes she even pushes the button herself. On Wednesday night we were playing in the living room and Geoff put some music on his phone.  K looked up and whipped her head around, seeming like she was looking for something, then spotted her music toy and stared at it intently, then pushed at it until she hit the button. It has been awhile since we played music and I think she heard it and made the connection that music comes from her toy – it was so cute.

And because we have fussy times too - a few more favorite things: 10 hours of Waterfall, 10 hours of Rain, Washing Machine.  Mamas with fussy, teething babies - I know you get me.

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