In March

Well, March flew past without any notes taken and documented, but we have been busy, and happy, watching winter turn into spring.

K started soccer class once a week which she loves – she’ll grab her soccer ball from her Bapa from Christmas and announce that she needs to practice and kick it (and throw it) all around the house. She’s also been doing a toddler gymnastics class at a local gym which has been very exciting. It’s a full gymnastics gym, not just for small kids although the littles do get designated classes and play times, so they have some more adventurous options including a few different kinds of trampolines (built into the floor and with great padding around them since they are meant for practicing flips) and a big pit full of foam blocks for landing in that she loves to jump into and “swim” around in.

We’ve also been doing the typical outings – children’s museum, zoo, park, play dates, throwing epic tantrums at the grocery store, etc. I never wind up with pictures from out as my phone is still broken – it had been fading for ages and then I royally smashed it up last summer and have been limping along with a non-functional camera and rather iffy sound quality during calls, but I have gotten my money’s worth out of it and it’s really time to upgrade now.

K is VERY excited for Easter tomorrow and informed me we would be leaving carrots out for the Easter bunny tonight “just like for the reindeer” and has been having a ton of fun with Easter preparations. It is so sweet to see how excited she gets for holidays, I have been trying to step up my game with fun traditions, crafts and foods we can do for each holiday because she loves them so much. For St Patrick’s day, she loved cookie decorating, green balloons all over, and rainbow fruit skewers as well as the family dinner we had. For Easter, cookie decorating was a huge hit, and egg dying was very exciting but it was pretty stressful for me (we made it through without turning either the house or the toddler rainbow colors but I should have known better than to do little cups of liquid dye). She is super excited for tomorrow morning, and then in the late afternoon we have dinner with G’s family.

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