Month Three

My favorites for this month are mostly more practical than fun. We had such a terrible time with reflux and hours of crying from 6-10 weeks that any little thing we introduced that seemed to help has been the very greatest.

1. Infant Probiotics - These were prescribed by her pediatrician for reflux/gas/fussiness and I really do think they made a difference after about a week. We give her 1/4 teaspoon a day per the pediatrician.

2. DGL - Also recommended by the pediatrician - this is like giving baby gripe water, but through mama's milk. I take 4-6 a day. They are chews made from ground licorice root, and while not candy, if you like licorice they are delicious.

3. Weleda Baby Wash - This smells so good: lavender and calendula.

4. Ocean Play Mat - I love having a play mat with a nature theme, and this is one of my favorite backdrops for pictures too.

5. Nosefreida - Reflux caused near constant stuffiness for a whole month and this really helped clear her airways.

6. Lansinoh Lanolin - This stuff is so useful - perfect for its marketed use, also great for chapped lips and diaper rash. We have multiple tubes for different uses.

7. H&M Baby Tights - Tights are so cute and practical for babies. Socks fall off incessantly, and now that it's colder these layer perfectly under pants for an extra layer. They are also adorable under any onesie for a look only a baby can pull off.

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