11 Weeks

This week we went to the fabric store, the doctor to get her tongue tie clipped, a movie (The Martian - very good, go see it!), the craniosacral therapist, Trader Joes, the pediatrician, the chiropractor, Baby Gap, Mama & baby class, Nana & Grandpa's (several times), my office (great to see everyone, but baby girl cried much of the visit), the tire store to get my snow tires put on and my regular tires scrapped (time to buy new ones in the spring) - is that everything? What a busy week, roughly in that order.

At 11 weeks, she is standing up stronger, looking at other babies, grasping and reaching more - especially at mama's face when we cuddle in the morning (begin: waking up to tiny fingers pawing at my eyes, little fists clenching around my nose with impressive force).

Also, she just started wearing 3-6 month clothes - what. I just know I'm going to be marveling at how big she's gotten and how many things she can do for approximately the next 20 years when I maybe get used to this. Or the rest of my life, maybe? Maybe.

Oh yeah, she also rolled over for the first time and learned how to take her hat off, just your average Monday. The rolling over may have been a fluke (she was swaddled, rolled on to her tummy) - but surely is a sign of things to come.

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