Two Month Update

Growth: 50th percentile for height, weight and head
Weight: 11 lbs, 5 oz
Height: 22.75”

Clothes: BabyGap 0-3m, Boden 0-3m, H&M 2-4m (getting tight), Carters 3m

Diapers: Target Up&Up size 1

Books: My Big Animal Book, Chica Chica Boom Boom, Good Morning World (her favorite, and mine)

: Eh, Ah, Neh, Ma, Ga, Awoo

Likes: Being held, being walked, standing, being read to, adult faces, her soothie, listening to other babies (she doesn’t pay much attention to looking at them yet, but cries and coos from other babies hold her full attention), TV (consequentially, we mostly leave it off)

Dislikes: Being set down, hiccoughs, baths, tummy time, the car if she isn’t sleeping

What’s new: So much. She has so many new expressions, vocalizations and cries. It is now easier to tell what she needs just by the tone of her cry. She has one for hungry, one for a dirty diaper, one for a really dirty diaper, one for tired, for cranky, for bored, and then many combinations of the aforementioned ailments. And, of course, there is the complete meltdown cry – a new development from the last two weeks or so – we all hate that one.

She is getting so strong and holds her head well now, although we are still careful to support her head anytime she is picked up, put down, shifted or sleepy. She loves standing up on us while held and looking around.

She will often look at her books while being read to (as of last week), and her eyes track pretty smoothly if a favorite toy is moved back and forth in front of her (toys that didn’t make the short list do not get this level of attention however – currently this means the Sassy Rattle and Jacques the Peacock).

She still does her newborn sneezes every day (in twos, almost always), and gets hiccoughs a few times a day but they are fading in frequency. She still has rock hard abs (has since the day she was born) and her grip has gotten even tighter – this baby is seriously strong.

We have had our fair share of crying this month, sometimes all day except for eating and naps. I started out on the elimination diet and then started slowing adding things back in. Nothing seemed to trip her individually, but she has gotten fussier and fussier in the last month so I am back on an elimination diet to see if that might help. This means no: diary, coffee, chocolate, caffeine, peanuts, garlic, onions, cruciferous vegetables or soy. If that doesn’t cut it, I’ll drop tomatoes and citrus too. I was doing this already but had added decaf coffee, cream for the coffee and chocolate back in. Then I had some peanuts and we had the worst three days ever. Possible coincidence, but for now it’s back to square one. We are also both doing probiotics and I am taking licorice (DGL - like giving gripe water, but through milk).

But the very best part of being two months old...

                                                                 …we officially have SMILES!

They haven’t been every day since she hasn’t been very happy the last week (food suspected), and most are too fleeting to photograph, but when she does it is the sweetest thing and melts my heart. The first one in blue is her smiling at her new friend, my friend’s three year old daughter, who was jumping up and down on the couch next to me and being highly entertaining. The second was later that night.

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