Winter Waves

Waves, First Beach La Push Washington, 1st Beach
Waves, First Beach La Push Washington, 1st Beach
Waves, First Beach La Push Washington, 1st Beach

Well, that’s January done already, isn’t it? We’ve been busy with mundanity and I don’t have a whole lot of crafting or updates to show for the month, but it was cozy and we enjoyed time together.

In mid-January we went out to the coast for a weekend and it was lovely – cold but clear. These pictures are from a sunrise on first beach, with the wind coming down off the headlands sweeping the waves back as they rolled in. The arc of the windblown spray trailing behind the waves brought an image to mind clear as crystal but I have no idea where it’s from (a book? An old cartoon?) of stormy sea spray like this depicted as ghostly silver horses running in the waves.

Other miscellaneous thoughts: I think this weekend we will get started on our valentines making and baking, because why not fill cold wet winter days with any and all festivity? I am looking forward to the super bowl exclusively because when it’s over, This Is Us will be on. I started a sweater for K but I think it’s too small and I might have to rip it out but I don’t want to so I keep working on it anyway (denial much? Ugh. I really do need to slip it onto some waste yarn and try it on her).

1 comment:

  1. Love the waves. They do indeed remind of horses in the stormy sea. Love it when it is like this, the sound, the spray. Thanks for sharing. I don't watch many tv shows anymore but have a few friends who adore that show. Hope it satisfied. I, at least, was pleased with the outcome of the game.


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